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Autumn Term 1

Welcome to Year 1. We hope you have had a lovely summer holiday.

The children have all settled well into Maple Class and Chestnut Class. They are beginning to learn the routines of Year 1 and we are enjoying getting to know them!  We are excited for the year ahead.

We appreciate your patience while we dismiss the class at the end of the day in an orderly line. We are slowly getting to know you all, but please make sure you are standing in a space visible for your child to see you and give them a wave when they reach the front of the line.


Autumn Term Topic - Create What do you treasure?

This half term, we will be answering the big question ‘What do you treasure? Along the way, we will think about why we value certain things and what makes them precious. We will be looking at the world around us and finding beauty in nature whilst questioning whether we all see things in the same way.


English Learning

This half term we will be learning:

  • To sit at the table, holding a pencil comfortably and correctly.
  • To begin to form lower-case letters in the correct direction,

    starting and finishing in the right place.

  • To compose a sentence orally before writing it.
  • To listen to and discuss a range of stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which we can read independently.
  • To become very familiar with key stories, retelling them and considering their particular characteristics

Mathematical Learning

This term we are looking at:

  • Place Value
    • to read and write numbers from 1 to 10 in numerals and words
    • to identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations, such as tens frames
    • to order and compare numbers to 10, being able to recall one more and one less than any given number
  • Addition
    • to read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+) and equals (=) signs
  • to know that a number can be made up of two or more parts and that this can be represented in a part whole model.

PSHE Learning

This half term the topic is Me and My relationships.

We will be learning about the different kinds of relationships we value in home and at school.

Scientific Learning

We will be learning about seasons, how day length varies and how to record the weather. We will do this by observing closely, using simple equipment and by using our observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.

Art Learning

Music Learning

Our ‘My Musical Heartbeat’ unit is written to help children explore the saying, ‘every piece of music has a heartbeat’.  When listening and singing to the music and songs in this unit, children will try to find and keep the pulse or steady beat to the music and songs, together. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with different songs, children will listen and appraise other tunes.

Faith and Wonder Learning

We will be looking at the topic of Creation and thinking about the question, ‘Who made the World?”.  We will be thinking about all the wonderful things in creation and making our own collage pictures to show these.


Computing Learning

PE Learning

We will be focusing on gymnastics during Indoor PE sessions and ball skills during Outdoor PE. We will also have a fortnightly fitness lesson which will involve the children learning about raising their hearybeats to keep their bodies fit and healthy.

How can you help?

  • Listen to your child read their reading book from school at least 5 times a week. Please make sure you write a short comment in their reading diary and check off on their homework sheet so that we can see this is happening at home. Your child can change their own book once they have read at home.
  • Complete the homework tasks that are provided each week.
  • Keep reading stories to your child to enrich their vocabulary and enjoyment of stories.
  • Ove you have your login details for Numbots, log in and work through the levels.

Events/Trips planned for this half term

  • Tuesday 17th September – Individual/Sibling photographs
  • Thursday 19th September – Meet the Teacher
  • Wednesday 2nd October – Harvest Service at St Margaret’s Church 10am
  • Monday 14th October – Nick Sharratt opening Tomlin Centre
  • Tuesday 15th October – Parents Evening 3.30 – 6pm
  • Thursday 19th October – Parents Evening 4-7pm
  • Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November – Half Term
  • Monday 4th November – INSET DAY

Further dates and information may come out from the Office throughout the half term.

If you have any resources you are happy to loan to us or have any particular knowledge about any of our focuses, please let us know.

Class emails:

The Year 1 team