Contact Us
St Margaret’s CE Primary School
Arundel Road
West Sussex
BN16 4LP
Telephone: (01903) 785416
Headteacher: Mr M Jee
Opening Hours: OFFICE 8am - 3:345pm
School Day Times:
Yr R 8:45am - 3pm (total 31 hours and 15 mins per week)
Y1: 8:40am - 3pm (total 31 hours 40 mins per week)
Y2, Y3 & Y4: 8:40am - 3:05pm (total 32 hours 5 mins per week)
Y5 & 6: 8:30am - 3pm (total 32.5 hours per week
Please contact the School Secretary Kahren Glossop if you have any queries.
For SEND enquiries, please contact Inclusion Manager & SENCO Mrs Kemp
If you require paper copies of the website information (free of charge), please contact the school office.