Autumn Term 1
We’d like to welcome you to Year 5. We hope that you had a lovely relaxing summer away from the normal routines but are already feeling back in the swing of things.
We are very excited to continue this year with our new classes: getting to know the children, finding out about their hobbies and interests and ensuring they make progress in their learning. We’re confident that this year will be full of new challenges for the children and there will be lots of exciting learning opportunities.
Autumn Term 1 Topic: Create - Is there art without light?
We will be learning:
- About light, shadow and two- and three-dimensional forms
- To analyse sculpture and create our own from clay
- To explore architecture and styles of art
- How materials and colours interact with light
- The science of light and vision
- To plan and then create our own art installation in preparation for an exhibition
Our project concepts this term are curiosity, innovation, exploration and the unknown.
English Learning
In English, we will be looking at poetry and instructional writing in our unit “Revolting Rhymes and Recipes”.
We will learn to:
- Read and perform different poems
- Plan, draft and edit our own poems
- Write our own revolting rhyming recipes
We will then move onto our English text for the autumn term: Swimming Against the Storm by Jess Butterworth.
Mathematical Learning
This half term we are looking Place Value.
We will be:
- Reading, writing and ordering numbers up to 10,000 and beyond
- Understanding the value of each digit in numbers up to 10,000
- Looking at efficient methods for using the four operations to calculate numbers
- Using the inverse to check for errors in calculations
- Revising times table facts for up to 12x12
- Looking for multiples and common multiples
PSHE Learning
We will be learning about Family and Relationships as well as settling into our new place as role models for the school in Year 5.
French Learning
This half term we will be working through the unit En Famille, learning vocabulary and describing members of the family.
Scientific Learning
This half term we will be looking at Properties of Materials. We will learn:
- To compare and group materials according to their properties
- About the electrical conductivity of everyday materials
- How to compare and group everyday thermal conductors and insulators
- About how different materials respond to magnets
- That some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution
About changes of state: solids, liquids and gases
Art Learning
Music Learning
We will be learning about melody and harmony and how we can combine these together to perform and compose pieces of music. We will also be asking the question “How does music bring us together?”
Faith and Wonder Learning
We will be working through our Understanding Christianity unit on God and be considering the question, “What does it mean if God is holy and loving?”
Computing Learning
We looking at how to stay safe online and introducing Sumdog as a fun tool for practising our maths. We will also look at the importance of password security and how to use search engines.
PE Learning
In our Outdoor PE lessons, we will be learning the skills of basketball. In Indoor PE lessons, we will be developing our skills in gymnastics.
How can you help?
- Encourage your child to read regularly at home, both independently and to an adult.
- Lots of regular times table testing and quick maths skills following the instructions indicated on the home learning sheets. The faster the response, the better!
- Supporting your child with learning their spellings, discussing the meanings of words, putting them into sentences and reviewing spellings from previous weeks.
- All of this will be on the weekly home learning sheets.
Events/Trips planned for this half term
- Tuesday 17th September – Individual/Family photos
- Friday 20th September – Parents/carers invited to “Meet the Teacher” at 2.30pm
- Wednesday 2nd October – Harvest Festival at St Margaret’s Church (9.15am Years 4-6; 10.00am Years 1-3; parents/carers welcome)
- Wednesday 9th October – Legacy Games event for all current Year 4 and 5 pupils at Angmering School (postponed from Summer Term).
- Monday 14th October – official opening of Tomlin Centre by author/illustrator Nick Sharratt
- Tuesday 15th / Thursday 17th October – Parents’ Consultation Meetings after school
Further dates and information may come out from the office throughout the half term.
If you have any resources you are happy to loan to us or have any particular knowledge about any of our learning focuses, please let us know.
Class emails:
The Year 5 team