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Summer Term 1

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Easter time with your family and friends. We had a fantastic term learning about the Anglo Saxon’s and Early Islamic Civilizations.

Now, we look forward to a new term. This term our Topic focus is on rivers and our Science lessons are based on sound. This booklet will give further details of all the subject areas that the children will be learning.

Summer Term Topic: Explore

In our explore topic this summer, we will be focusing on rivers.

We will be:

  • Understanding the process of the water cycle.
  • Identifying different water biomes and how these are classified.
  • Learning about the features of a river and define what they are.
  • Locating rivers (including local, national and international)

English Learning

This term we are starting a new and exciting text ‘The River Singers’ by Tom Moorhouse. We will be:

  • Taking part in a debate
  • Writing a speech
  • Designing a web page
  • Letter writing
  • Continuing our learning of grammar and punctuation

Mathematical Learning

This half term we are looking at:

  • Tenths and hundredths as decimals
  • Dividing a number by 10 and 100 going into decimals
  • Partition, compare and order decimals


PSHE Learning

We will be learning about safety and the changing body. This will include a focus on:

  • Internet safety
  • Awareness of sharing online
  • First aid
  • Growing up


French Learning

This half term we will be learning about clothing and using knowledge of colours to describe what a person is wearing.

Scientific Learning

Our topic this half term will be sound. We will learn:

  • How sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating
  • That vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear
  • About the pitch of a sound and what type of object produces it
  • About the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produce it
  • Why sounds get fainter depending on distance

 Music Learning

We will be starting to learn the glockenspiel with Mr Chalk from West Sussex Music Service.

Computing Learning

We will be beginning to create our own websites. This will include exploring Google sites, planning and creating a webpage on a particular interest.

PE Learning

In PE this half term year 4 will be having swimming lessons and for indoor PE completing the next unit of Gymnastics with Ms Gibbs.

Faith and Wonder Learning

We will be looking at the Kingdom of God and thinking about our big question ‘When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?’

How can you help?

    • Continuing to read regularly at home to an adult, with lots of discussion about the books.
    • Lots of regular times table testing and quick maths skills following the instructions indicated on the home learning sheets. The faster the response, the better!
    • Supporting your child with learning their spellings, discussing the meanings of words, putting them into sentences and reviewing spellings from previous weeks.
    • All of this will be on the weekly home learning sheets.

Events/Trips planned for this half term 

    • Tuesday 11th June – Friday 14th June Dalesdown Residential


Further dates and information may come out from the Office throughout the half term.

Class emails:

The Year 4 team